Assist. Prof. Dr. Lida Ebrahimi VAFAEİ
Assist. Prof. Dr. Lida Ebrahimi VAFAEİ
Lecturer at the Department of Mechatronics Engineering
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She was born in Tabriz, Iran on 24th of July, 1960. Her parents are Turkish Azeri, her father owned a real estate agency and mother was house wife. She studied in Iran until graduating from High School then continued her higher education in the Engineering Faculty, B.Sc in Physics Engineering Department in 1991 at Haccettepe University, Turkey. She was accepted to the Master program of Berlin University but decided to come to North Cyprus when she learned that Universities give full assistant ship and accommodation (home) to students in physics department. She continued her education in North Cyprus receiving M.Sc in 1993.

After M.Sc she worked in Lefke Europe University from 1994-1995, and later at International American University from 1995 to 1999 as a lecturer. During this time she pursued a Ph.D in the Department of Architecture. She succeeded in obtaining a project in how people can benefit from the suns energy for solar heating and cooling in solar architecture. After which she returned to Turkey to further develop her knowledge on this topic by taking extra courses from the Institute of Energy in İzmir. While there she did research on heat transfer and compared building material’s suitability to differing climate. In 2000 she started to work as a part-time lecturer in Near East University in both the Architecture Department and Faculty of Engineering, and has been making contributions as a full-time lecturer since 2002 after receiving her diploma for Ph.D. She received assistant professorship from Near East University and has been working in the same university until now.

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